Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A Whole New Palette! Plants

Banana tree

Today I was a kid in a candy shop!  I got to go out with my family to a large nursery and buy LOTS of plants for my garden.  It was SO much fun.  Some plants were familiar to me, some not, and they were all SO inexpensive.  We thought it would be fun to have some more edibles in our garden, so we bought a banana tree, an orange tree, a lemon tree, a mulberry bush and 3 fig trees!

One shopping cart

Another shopping cart

Another shopping cart

Some we can get at home, some we cannot.  The smoke bush, a red hibiscus, and a parrot plant.

Schefflera arboricola variegata-evergreen

licuala grandis

stromanthe sanguinea triostar-I can grow these outdoors!

dwarf quisqualis indica

Durante erecta purple

pachystachys lutea-Lollipop plant or Golden Shrimp plant (I think they called it Parrot plant here)

Lantana camara

Mini Jasminum Laurifolium 

Clerodendrum Thomsoniae-bleeding heart

Cestrum nocturnum

I put this outside my bedroom window on our terrace as it has such a lovely scent when it blooms in the night.

Urichites lutea

Passiflora Caerulea-I love this flower!

Loropetalum-I had one of these in Seattle and loved it.  Here it blooms all the time with it's wonderful tiny, fuschia spires.

Ipomoea horsfalliae-another stunning climber 
I don't remember the name of this one, but it's planted in our front garden

A red hibiscus!  Even the gardeners where we live had never seen one of these.  Hibiscus acetosella, common African Rosemallow.  It's bloom is deep, blood red.

Acalypha godseffiana compacta-these colors change from purple and fuschia to green white and pink.

Nyctanthus arbortristus-sweetest smelling little white and orange blooms

Pseudoeranthmum-bring green leaf tops, deep purple undersides, with beautiful flowers

polyscias fruticosa aurea
We arranged delivery for the next day and I was so excited to see it all arrive!