Friday, November 18, 2016

Date Night

Balu, our kind caretaker, was willing to take care of the kids tonight so Chris and I decided to go out to dinner together.  We got the kids to bed, headed out with our driver to a local place called Club 18. Because we kept him late, we gave him a couple hundred rupees so he could get dinner, then heading upstairs.  Club 18 is pretty close and on the roof top of a tall building.  It's open and beautifully lit, and very Indian.  This means that from the moment you walk in, you are assaulted by very, very loud music.  Also, being white, every head in the place turns to watch you walk by, surprised you are there.  We asked for a 4 top looking over the edge, seats with a view, but were told they would be filled in 5 minutes so we couldn't have them.  That turned out to be code for, "no way are we giving you those seats when there are only 2 of you" as they did not fill for over an hour.  Oh well.  Next time we'll know to call in advance and reserve for 4, then have our friends just not arrive.  

We had a really nice time. It was fun to relax and just spend some time together.  We could even hear each other now and again.  We decided to start with some cocktails.  This was amusing.  Club 18 has a very extensive cocktail menu. Yet when you try to order from it, the waiter tends to have no idea what the drink is, or informs you that that one is not available, or this one neither because it is not legal in India.  They don't seem to understand the question, "then why is it on the menu?"  I ordered a gin and tonic, and got a shot of gin and a glass of tonic, separate.  Same for Chris's rum and coke.  I did get a cocktail that was quite tasty, once I explained what a cosmopolitan was (even though it was on the menu).  So we had cocktails and some tasty dinner, and some time together in relative peace.  Nice.

And on the way out, I had to stop by the toilet.  For a very nice club, I have to say it was one of the nicer toilets I've come across...which, as you can see, is not saying much.  I am learning to always carry toilet paper with me!


It's just the picture you want to see at the end of a post, isn't it?!

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